Your connection to the Mississippi Equine Industry. A private nonprofit that offers the "SADDLE UP License Plate", develops programs for Trails, Health & Welfare, Horse Owners, Youth and Legislation. We are an all-breed, all-discipline organization managed by a Board of Directors and operated out of an office in Brandon, Mississippi.
Your membership and donations to the Mississippi State Equine Association support the Mississippi Equine Industry's health and sustainability.
Dear James Watts, I would like to take the time to thank you for your funding of the Mississippi State Equine Association Endowed Scholarship. I would also like to extend my appreciation of being awarded as a recipient.
Pictured with Alex Speak, current senior at Miss State Univ. (from Arkansas), is James Watts, executive director of MSEA, James Rasberry, MSEA president, and Dr. Michael Newman, a Veterinary School professor and representing the prestigious MSU Vet School.
Representing MSEA and Miss State, are Will Staggers, Lori Irvin, James Watts, executive director of MSEA, James Rasberry, MSEA president, Narsis Whigham, Dr. Michael Newman, and Lacey Gordon.
Cara Beth Calhoun (right) was the winner of the high point year end saddle sponsored by MSEA. Josi Johnson (left) was the reserve champion for the Senior Barrel Racing Champion.
Lazy E Arena in Guthrie, OK. 1600 kids participated Pictured is Josie, Queen from Mid-south Little Britches
Mid-South Little Britches Finals, May 2023 in Brandon, MS. Pictured from left to right, James Rasberry, James Watts, and Little Britches President, Judd Sanborn. Numerous awards were given to the winners.
MSEA commits to support the Therapeutic Riding Program at MSU over a 5 year period. Pictured are James Watts, James Rasberry, Lacey Gordon - Assistant Director of Development CALS, MAFES, Extension, Cassie Brunson - MSU Extension Equine Assisted Therapy Program Coordinator, and Lori Irvin - MSU Extension Equine Assisted Services, Veterans Horsemanship Program Coordinator. Not pictured, but involved, is Will Staggers - Director of Development CALS, MAFES, Extension.
Josi Johnson competed at the Little Britches National Finals Rodeo in Guthrie OK July 4 thru 10. She brought home a Reserve Champion Buckle and money in the Senior Girls Trail class from the 1st Go. Josi also competed in Barrels and Poles during Finals. She and her horse were ranked 4th in the nation in Barrels with National Little Britches Rodeo Association prior to Finals.she is from Decatur an president of the ffa in newton county
National Little Britches Rodeo Finals
Josi Johnson representing MS at the National Little Britches Finals in Guthrie, OK
National Little Britches Rodeo Finals
Josi Johnson receiving a Sponsorship Check from James Rasberry, President of The Mississippi State Equine Association to help cover expenses while Josi and her horse Champ compete at National Little Britches Rodeo Finals in Guthrie OK July 4-10, 2022. Josi is from Decatur MS
Abigayle Hampton-Fortner, Cali Brookshire
Abigayle Hampton-Fortner, London Dickson, Sophee Evans
James Rasberry, president of ms state equine association, presenting a check for 1000 to Cassie Brunson in support of the the therapeutic riding program at ms state university we are proud to be able to support this program each year the proceeds of the saddle up tag sales allow us to do this.
James Rasberry, President of MSEA, presented a donation to Professor Clay Cavender of the Equestrian Riding team at Mississippi State University in the amount of $1,000. This donation helps with the expenses for traveling and related fees. Our goal is to support equine events everywhere we can help. All of the proceeds of the sales of the SaddleUp car tags are returned to the equine industry.
MSEA donated license plates 2 and 7 for the fundraiser for the Therapeutic Riding Program at Mississippi State University. Pictured are Thomas and Terri Nusz, along with MSEA President, James Rasberry and MSEA Executive Director, James Watts. Proceeds went directly to the program. The tags sold for a combined $2,050. MSEA thanks them very much for their support.
Also at the fundraiser, President of MSEA, James Rasberry is with Carter Clark, a student at Mississippi State University who volunteers with the program and also the granddaughter of James Rasberry, and Cassie Brunson, Director of the riding program.
Dear James and James:
On behalf of our South Central Association, I would like to thank the both of you for your generous contribution you made to our group! While I now remember you doing it in the past, this was not expected. With the season over and awards being ordered, our bank account is on the low side. This will definitely help with the start of our new season, which we hope to start in October.
Dear Mr. Rasberry:
It is an honor to write and congratulate you on the success that has been achieved by the Mississippi State Equine Association.
As the former State Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce, it was always a great pleasure to work so closely with the Mississippi State Equine Association.
The MSEA Saddle Up license plate funds the Mississippi State Equine Association, helping Mississippi horse owners, equine businesses and associations, and the welfare of Mississippi horses.
Ask your county clerk for it when you register your vehicle.
This plate is available for personalization with an additional $31.00 application fee annually. Application for personalization must be made at your local County Clerk's office. This personalized plate is limited to a maximum of 5 characters.
For more information about the MSEA Saddle Up License plate from the State of Mississippi Department of Revenue.
“Rooster” Rasberry always got up too early. That’s what his mother said, and that’s why she nicknamed him when he was about two or three years old.
Maybe that’s why James S. Rasberry is an accomplished builder… and builder of many things. James is the President of the Mississippi State Equine Association and for lots of reasons.
He was on his father’s framing crew when he was l5 years old, and was trimming homes in his native Attala County when he was 20. Three years later, James was still getting up early, feeding the horses and starting his own construction company. By 1985 “Rooster” Rasberry was the youngest President ever elected from the 2,000-member Home Builders Association of Mississippi.
During that time two of his three daughters started riding competitively. It was a weekend ritual to load horses “early” and travel anywhere in Mississippi for a horse show, and get back home at 2 or 3 a.m. While the girls were barrel racing and riding western pleasure, Rasberry introduced himself to a sport that was new to the State of Mississippi in the early 1990’s. Team penning was a new craze that had just reached Mississippi, and he said, “it spread like wildfire.”
Governor Haley Barbour formally approved the sale of Mississippi's first "equine appreciation" vehicle license plate at ceremonies in his Capitol office on Friday.
Pictured with the Governor signing S.B. 2090 are representatives of the sponsoring Mississippi State Equine Association. From the left are James Rasberry of Kosciusko, MSEA President; Dr. Terry Kiser, Head of Animal and Dairy Sciences, MSU; George Phillips, Mississippi Commissioner of Public Safety; David Ashcraft of Madison; Murl Brunson of Terry; Dr. Preston Buff, Equine Specialist, MSU; Ruth Hinton of Natchez; and James Watts of Brandon, who serves as MSEA's Executive Director. A banner depicting the new tag, which can be seen on MSEA's website, is draped across the table in front of the Governor.
MSEA members can place free classified ads (for three months) on The ads will be limited to one page and can only relate to the sell of a horse(s) and or horse property.
The Mississippi State Equine Association is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated, through education and leadership, to the protection and development of the Mississippi equine community.
Mississippi State Equine Assocation
P.O. Box 5888
Brandon, MS 39047